We run our surgery by an appointment-only system. Appointments can only be booked by phoning the surgery.
We DO NOT offer walk-in appointments
When to phone the surgery
Phone lines are extremely busy between 8.00am & 10.30am. If you need to arrange a routine appointment with a nurse or have an enquiry please phone after 10.30am
Phone from 8.00am -12.00noon for morning appointments.
Phone from 12.00 noon for appointments after 12.30pm.
Phone after 2.00pm for out of hours appointments.
Phone after 2.00pm for test results.
Please note: You will be unable, currently, to book appointments via ‘Systmonline’
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please Note: All of our reception team are trained in Care Navigation – a process to ensure you are guided to the most appropriate clinician ie to the right person, at the right place and at the right time.
Nurse appointments
Our nurses provide health advice and preventative care. The Practice Nurses work closely with our Doctors to make sure you get the best possible treatment. Appointments with the nurses are booked in advance.
A video GP service – Available 7 days a week and is provided free to patients of Queensview Medical Centre.
Patients of Queensview Medical Centre can now see an NHS GP by video using the Livi App. Get medical advice, prescriptions and referrals on the same day, including weekends. This a part of your NHS service.
You can download the LIVI app to your mobile phone or tablet at the app store or Google play or visit www.Livi.co.uk.
A web based patient triage if you need either –
- help for a medical issue,
- if you have an admin query or –
- if you want to seek online advice.
Please visit: https://florey.accurx.com/p/K83003
Your consultation
Some appointments will be by telephone. If it is necessary you will be offered a face to face appointment. When you visit the surgery PLEASE note that the wearing of a face covering is now at your discretion. Please read the latest NHS advice in the alert at the top of the home page.
Home visits
Whenever possible, we ask you to come to the surgery where we have better facilities. If you are housebound a Doctor or Community Nurse can visit you at home.
Please call reception from 8.00am till 10.00am if you feel a home visit is vital.
Please note:- Visits take approximately 30 minutes each.
Please ask for a visit ONLY if it is really necessary
The surgery operates a non-attendance policy, as well as a late attendance policy, which means if you do not arrive at all or you arrive too late to be seen, we will contact you about the defaulted appointment. In exceptional circumstances, due to consistent no-attendance, you might be asked to register with an alternative practice.
Chaperone service
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present during any consultation, examination or procedure. Clinicians will offer a chaperone during any intimate examination. This may be one of our specially trained administration staff or a nurse or Health Care Assistant. If you feel you would like a chaperone please ask at reception or mention it to your doctor or nurse.