We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
We run our surgery by an appointment-only system. Appointments can only be booked by phoning the surgery. We DO NOT offer walk-in appointments When to phone the surgery Phone lines...
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they consider one is required. The chaperone may be a family member or friend,...
The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions,...
SystmOnline Please use the facility for patients to order repeat prescriptions via this website. This is protected by the highest security and cannot be accessed by others providing you keep...
GP Enhanced Access – Pre-bookable Appointments available in the Evenings and Weekends 18:30 – 21:30 weekdays, 09:00 – 17:00 weekends There are now more bookable GP and Nurse appointments available...
You can order a repeat prescription by: ordering your repeat prescription online using Systmonline completing the right-hand section of your previous prescription form and post your request in the foyer...
You only need a doctor’s note if you are unable to work and are ill for longer than seven calendar days. Your employer will provide you with an SC2 self-certificate...
The Doctor or Nurse ordering your tests will let you know how you are to be informed of the result. Please phone after 2.00 pm if requesting results over the...
Here you can find out the services and clinics we hold at our practice. You can find out more by clicking on the links.
Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 15th November, 2014